Exchanges and returns

If for any reason you want to return your item, you can do this within 14 days of your delivery date. You will only be eligible for a return if the item is unworn and in the original condition you received it in with the tags still attached, we are unable to process returns for any items which have had the tags removed. We can't be held responsible for items getting lost in the post so please return your item with signed delivery and make sure it is packaged securely.

Any items marked 'sale' are not eligible for return, you can exchange for giftcard only.

Return details:

Please send back to the below address making sure you include the reference number in the address - and pop a note in the parcel with your order number and why you are returning. If you would like an exchange please state this on your note and let us know which size you would like to exchange for. 

Huboo Ref 9376

Huboo Returns 

Unit 1 Vertex Park 




Once we have received your item, please allow 10 working days for your refund/exchange to be processed.